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Subject lines:
End gum disease - forever

Gum disease is no joke. Bad breath, inflamed and sticky gums… But it’s a real race against time. It takes only days for gum disease to change from being a nuisance… … to being a life-changing condition. Yet you really don’t have to risk the loss of your teeth - and the painful corrective surgery that follows. Instead, you can make it all disappear in days. And get healthy gums, fresh breath and super-strong teeth instead. Guaranteed. Click here to learn how... MMM_ClickBankLink

Gum disease is no joke. Bad breath, inflamed and sticky gums…

But it’s a real race against time. It takes only days for gum disease to change from being a nuisance…… to being a life-changing condition.

Yet you really don’t have to risk the loss of your teeth - and the painful corrective surgery that follows.

Instead, you can make it all disappear in days. And get healthy gums, fresh breath and super-strong teeth instead.


Click here to learn how...

Email swipe 2:

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Subject line:
Gum disease doesn’t have to cost you your teeth

Gum disease starts off bad. But it then turns very bad very quickly. Past a certain point - as teeth start to fall out - we need painful corrective surgery to undo its worst effects. Yet if we act quickly... we get to avoid all this. This 2-step program makes gum disease go away forever. Guaranteed. Click here and you’ll see. MMM_ClickBankLink

Gum disease starts off bad. But it then turns very bad very quickly.

Past a certain point - as teeth start to fall out - we need painful corrective surgery to undo its worst effects.

Yet if we act quickly... we get to avoid all this.

This 2-step program makes gum disease go away forever. Guaranteed.

Click here and you’ll see.

Banners:Click a banner to get your code.

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