The Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Solution
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Fatty liver's only cure
If you suffer Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, you have probably realized already that doctors have no cure.
Not even real treatment options actually.
You may have been told to control it through diet, exercise, not drinking alcohol.
But for specifics, there is none.
And for hope to avoid liver failure, there is little.
The fact is that Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is man-made. Our western diet and lifestyle cause it.
Which is good...
Because then you can also cure yours with small changes in diet and lifestyle.
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Curing fatty liver disease in 3 steps
You and I know that fatty liver disease is no joke.
Unbelievable…but the answer is YES!
True, it doesn’t affect our lives from day to day. It’s rarely painful and we can work, socialize and be with family without discomfort.
Which is, in a way, part of the danger of fatty liver disease. “underground” It looks so innocent. Yet we also know that if it carries on its way then fatty liver progresses to severely fatty liver… Which becomes fibrosis. Which then becomes cirrhosis.
And that’s irreversible and life-threatening… For the unlucky amongst us potentially fatal liver failure and liver cancer are the end-story of this process.NO Our doctors have no meds or treatments for fatty liver.
They tell us to control it through diet, exercise, not drinking alcohol…
But as sufferers, we rarely know how to actually do that properly. Nor do they, I suspect.
So we’re pretty much on our own with it. If we don’t effectively deal with it then fatty liver doesn’t stand still. It simply becomes something significantly more serious.
And that’s when we’ll regret not tackling it while it was ‘only’ fatty liver disease.
I cured my fatty liver just over a year ago.
Actually, when I say I did it that’s not entirely true.
What I found was that there are 3 pillars to ensure outstanding liver health. Address each of the pillars and your liver can’t avoid becoming healthy once again. So it’s the 3 pillars that really cured it.
And it’s simple to do. No meds, no treatments, no doctor’s bill.
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